Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Research Gadgets Online Before You Buy


Every day new gadgets coming out of the market. Companies are constantly updating and inventing new devices for consumers. The latest gadgets are portable, easy to use and more pleasant to look beyond the first models. There are gadgets for almost any task imaginable.

Gadgets are not just businessmen, students and labor. Now is the electronic devices that help to carry out simple tasks and complex. People of all ages and lifestyles are now the carriage of their electronic gadgets around with them.

Buy Gadgets

Since these gadgets are so popular, many online sites sell them. You can find almost anything you want. Mobile phones, laptops, MP3 players, cameras, televisions, video games and game consoles are available in a variety of brands and prices. There are even sites black gadget if you are a fan of black and gadgets.

If you want to buy electronics, start by browsing stores online. Enter keywords and review products they have. Compare brands and prices on the sites. This will give you the opportunity to find the best deals. Bookmark the sites that have the gadgets that interest you. You can return to these sites to see new products as they are added. You can also find accessories to gadgets you already own.


Another thing to do is compare brands and features included. For example, a phone that incorporates a camera and the iPod will cost more than a basic model. If you want the best quality you can find online sites until you find affordable. If you want a durable and reliable, which is generally better to buy a well known brand.

There are many brands and models of digital cameras to choose from now. Decide what features you want and make your search easier. If you are interested in high quality pictures and want more megapixels, better zoom and compact size, there are cameras all needs.

Laptops now in various sizes for easy use and carry. You can find sizes from a 17-inch laptop down to a handheld size. The key is to find the functions you use. You do not have to sacrifice functionality in exchange for a smaller size. Do not settle for a cheap gadget just because the price is right.

Search for gadgets now

When buying gadgets, it's a good idea to read the comments written about products. You can find articles written by the company and customers. This will give you important information about product performance.

Start your online search now to find the gadget you want. Take time to look at the various sites and products, and you'll be satisfied with your purchase.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Downloadable Music On Your Mobile Phone - The Latest Trend


Mobile phones have become an indispensable gadget for all categories of people in almost all regions in the world today. Now cell phones are not just for communication, they also take care of entertainment features. Download Fun allows users of mobile phones and other mobile devices to download ring tones, screensavers and wallpapers on the net.

People want their favorite music on cell phones. Thus, the function faster and later available today is increasingly ringtones. There are other downloadable items available on the Internet, such as Java games, wallpapers and screensavers, but the feature requested is downloadable ringtones. ring tones were simply good engineering student idea.

ringtone is the sound of a cell phone when it rings. There are several types of ringtones available as polyphonic ringtones, monophonic tones, and the popular MP3 format. However, new technologies like 3G also bring music to your mobile phone.

Monophonic ring tones are basically one note in the form of ringtones, it is not so popular these days. First of all mobile phones were only capable of playing monophonic ring tones. Almost all phones have their own ringtones. A recent study shows that about ninety per cent of mobile phone users have downloaded the ringtone unique, that it did not come with the phone. Every man wants to have the latest music on their mobile phones. Ringtone industry is growing rapidly.

The stylish smart mobile phone games and ring tones have become status symbols. Ring tones choice shows that you are updated and what is happening. Choose a ringtone that fits your personality. You can truly display your lifestyle and certainly your musical taste on your sleeve.

You will find many sites offering advice for musicians today. You have the choice to select monophonic, polyphonic or true tone MP3 formats. The first thing you should know before you choose, buy and download a ringtone that is appropriate for your cell phone sports format. mobile phone that you purchased a year ago may not have features to play latest ring tone currently available. So be sure from your mobile phone manual or your service provider for instructions.

Most websites offer samples of each musical sound character back to know what kind of music you might want to use the phone. Polyphonic ring tones use midi technology. Polyphonic its richer tonal quality sounds better than monophonic but compared to MP3 quality seems pretty weak. The future of sound ringtones seem to be a form of quality hi-fi digital music.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Importance Of Cell Phones!


With the advent of new technologies of communication channel has also changed. In the early history, pigeons have been used as a means of communication. Later, written messages sent via email. Over time, the telephone came into existence and today is the era of wireless communication which results in mobile phones. The phones are the latest invention and the common language of today.

Cell phones have long-range, portable and wireless electronic communications. A few years ago, when cell phones were not so common, the device is expensive and the cost of communications, a user quite well. But in recent years, thanks to the use of mobile phones increased, their cost has decreased considerably, and this helped give them a lot of common men. Mobile phones are now inexpensive, easy to use and comfortable, with almost the last movie we want.

Mobiles are now all the gadgets of choice, either an older or younger. It's like a status symbol now. Each village part is equipped with the latest models of phones and each has its own reason to have this gadget magic in his hands. Each new day phone models are replacing the old ones to attract users. The interested users particularly the young generation is very fond of the latest features provided in the new plane. People like new ringtones, hello tunes and wallpapers. With this, mp3 and video recording, MMS and Internet services to attract users in the mobile world. Mobile users can not even imagine the world without their phones. The importance of mobile phones can imagine the reaction of people when asked to abandon their separate package for a day. His life has become a point where they are now out of their phones.

In Japan, mobile phone companies provide immediate notification of earthquakes and other natural disasters to their customers for free. In an emergency, disaster response teams to detect trapped or injured people using signals from their mobile phone or small-cap and flash and the battery of all mobile phones, an interactive menu to access the internet browser telephone, inform the company, the user is safe or in distress.

There is no doubt that mobile phones have made life easier and more convenient. Everyone is in contact with family members, friends and other acquaintances. If you want to talk to someone, it is not necessary to write a letter and have to wait days to send the message to a receiver, just pick up the phone and press a number and start chatting. Mobile phones are the convenient way of communication over long distances. Life becomes easier and faster now on mobile phones.

Mobile phones proved to be of great help in emergency situations. Mobile phones are also known as lifeguards is to help people in emergency situations. If you get stuck in the middle of the road and finding no help, you can simply use the phone and call for help. Along with the obvious convenience and quick to help in emergencies big and small, mobile phones can be both economical and necessary for passengers to try to stay in touch.

As every coin has two faces, a phone offers many advantages to also show off some of the disadvantages. Mobile phone use while driving is common. And 'generally accepted that using a phone while driving is a distraction that brings risk of road accidents. So we have to use hands-free sets to avoid the dangers.

Little attention has recently been received to the potential impact of a sense of electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones is the human brain. Accumulating evidence that the microwave radiation from mobile phones may cause serious diseases and disorders of physiology. This includes increased risk of cancer and genetic damage, interfere with brain function and other effects. mobile phone radiation and health concerns have been raised, especially following the enormous increase in usage of mobile devices worldwide. Thus, the main series is considered to be sufficiently distant from our head and a long-term use of the phone should be avoided.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Should You Consider Purchasing A Personal Digital Assistant?


A personal digital assistant or PDA is commonly known as smartphones. This is a vital tool that has changed the lives of many business people, professionals and ordinary people.

What are the common features that make this gadget so popular? Here are just a few.

1. You can keep important documents, information and notes.

2. You can use it to access the Internet. You can send and receive emails with this tool.

3. You can use it to keep pace with the latest news and other information you may want to research.

4. You can also play games on this gadget to pass time or to relieve stress and pressure.

5. You can select the important dates and set reminders.

A PDA is actually a useful innovation that has changed the lifestyle of many people and how we do business. This phone is essential for global positioning. The camera function has also been well used by many fans because of the ease of file transfer and printing.

Using a PDA

If you decided to get one for yourself, it is usual considerations, you may want to watch.

1. The price varies by type, make, model and features of your PDA chosen. Before you buy, first determine how much your budget. After that, you can go online or you can find in stores cost ranges. You can also start with a good brand with less functions. You can update whenever you have money. For example, you can get more storage or memory to have more programs installed on your PDA.

2. Check the features of a PDA. Make sure it is compatible with the computer's operating system. So you have no problems with file transfer and storage. Also, check if you have the right tools, plugs, ports and adapters can perform these functions.

3. Make sure you know why you buy a PDA. This way, you'll know what to ask the seller when you get to a store. For example, you can ask for help if you want something that can help you track with important dates and reminders.

Or if you're always on the move you want something that will quickly and easily connect to the Internet. You can request the wireless solution. See also its other functions and make sure you get exactly the gadget can be your PDA.

This is an ingenious invention that allows you to make their lives easier. This may be busy bees, students and also the home of friends. You just have to find the right that it can be argued that for a purpose which you can use the gadget. Lifestyle can be easily changed in this little tool. Just need to find the suitable for you.

So if you do not already have one, start saving up to be able to afford your chosen PDA. such ease and convenience that can make, what prevents you from investing in a good brand and style to suit who you are?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gifts For Techies


You're probably thinking that shopping for the types of technology (or gadget freaks, etc.) is something that involves a lot of technical knowledge about megapixels, megabytes, and other mega-whatzits there. If you are not familiar with recent developments in technology today, it is quite understandable if you feel faint when you hear the word "digital". So how do you feel when you shop for one at the gadgets and tech toys?

If you are into gadgets and then there is no problem in buying high-tech toys for your techie colleagues. You probably already know about the latest products coming out of Silicon Valley and around the world. It's a safe bet that you also have a number of these technological marvels for himself. But for the "common" man, where do you go to buy the latest electronic products as a gift for someone special?

And 'well known to those who sail regularly on the Internet and that there is a lot of e-commerce specialist products for those suffering from techno-lust. The problem is that most of these stores feature their product descriptions, which contain a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo. Sometimes a person needs to know whether a particular product shoots, directly or take sharp pictures, or you can fly to the moon. Leave a pixel, LCD, RAM and ROM, someone else! I just want to be sure that this does not ruin the camera when shooting pictures of me skinny-diving in the pool of my neighbor. Now, when I find my digital camera, you can do? And while you're there, I can find a gadget that can help me find the best spot of fishing during my vacation?

Many sites sell these items and more, but it will be frustrating to go from an online store to another. That's why I created my gift to the site, the American basket. I wanted to put up a souvenir shop, which allows customers to find the best gifts you ever desire one place. Now you can buy a digital camera and an electronic viewfinder fish in one place!

But before you decide that this site only sells electronic products, think again. I made sure that the site has all the gifts you will ever have. So if you are looking for a Christmas gift, Valentine's Day, or just something for your friends or family members, you will find everything you want here. There are gifts for babies, mothers and fathers to teenagers, and just about everyone!

Shopping for online gifts is not a nuisance. And a lot of online stores for more and better services during the day, many people have discovered that it is practically a lot easier to shop on the World Wide Web as it is on its way to the mall to another. Let's face it, we all can not say: We are looking for a perfect gift for the first store you go, right? You can become very annoying very fast. Going to the Internet can save you a lot of time and money by providing you with all the gifts you need in a unique position.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Advantages Of Buying The Latest Electronic Gadgets Online, And As You Can Get Before Anyone Else


Everyone wants to see and experience the latest electronic gadgets. Someone who is generally difficult to buy or if someone just wants to update or add to their collections, buying an innovative gadget to satisfy the curiosity and interest. Some gadgets are not practical or necessarily useful, but they all have a unique role.

Electronic Gadgets is not just computer geeks or children. There are so many types of devices now that the age may be the use of the gadget. The next generation always looking for some new gadgets and accessories.

Why Buy

To purchase electronic gadgets online gives you a chance to get it before anyone else. Find new products coming out would be very time driving to other stores different, and travel expenses. It is much easier and less stressful to shop from your home or office.

When the time to check other sites offer the possibility to compare products and prices. Instead of wasting time going to different stores to check, you can spend less time to examine a variety of sites. Saving time will also help you get it before anyone else. E site navigation will give you plenty of gift ideas.

Find new products and get it before everyone

Finding new products online is easier because you can review the sites as often as you want, every day and only takes a few minutes. Bookmark the sites that interest you most, and are just a click away.

Some sites offer free shipping on orders of a certain size. It would save on transportation costs or gasoline if you drive to a store to buy it. If you find a unique product on a website, you can order the same thing and get it before anyone else.

Online Shop Around

Most sites have online catalogs where you can search the various products offered on the site. This gives you the opportunity to explore a wide range of products, which are often not available in retail stores. You can search by topic or type the keyword in a specific product you want.

To find the lowest prices and best deals is easy. It is so easy to take advantage of their information and comments. Some sites have customer e-mails and comments. You can check a product before buying and decide if you want to get it before anyone else.

Many of the sites you can join in the wish list. This allows you to keep track of what you are watching a particular page. In addition, some sites you can place requests for the product or topic that interests you discover.

Take advantage of modern technology and online shop. There are many reasons to shop online. The convenience and the amount of black to give you a big jump on other customers. Start surfing for gadgets now and get it before everyone else!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Guide For Digital Voice Recorders


Gone are the days when you used to tape and disk. All new digital voice recorders are all not forget the traditional band and offered us more features than you can use.

So the tape is now obsolete and digital voice recorders. This little gadget is very useful, since its launch and a great advantage for professionals. So if there is a need to record audio, digital audio recorder is what you should look for.

These voice recorders new age came as a convenient solution for busy professionals who need to record memos, meetings and ideas to create a fuss when a tape will be used in place of the recorder. A digital recorder is not only the voice recording, but it also has the ability to record and transfer information to your computer, making it easier to organize, edit and play your audio files you want.

With the growing popularity of digital recorders, there are many leaders in the electronics industry such as Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, LG, who provides the best voice recorders with digital technology. But while buying a digital voice recorder, there are some aspects involved in the selection of the best, you need to understand at first. can therefore understand what a digital voice recorder is about.

Search for the recording time.

Many voice recorders boast of the recording time by claiming the top side thereof. The recording time depends on the quality of the recording and the best sound quality in less time recording would be. So instead of looking for a recorder, which claims 300 hours of recording, to compare the actual situation of the recording time can provide the highest quality.

Search for more storage options

In addition to the voice files of many digital recorders can store files, documents and images. They are equipped with the kind of USB mass support that allows them to store these files. Now, storage is the organizer who is also an important element of comparison. Make sure the DVR voice files stored in at least three separate files.

Find a voice recording capability

Best voice recorders are also many "smart" features that help with operations. Some of the interesting features you can find in the latest digital voice activated, which automatically stops recording when there is a long pause, or a view characteristic tail / that make it easier for you to find a particular record you want to play .

You can also have an LCD screen for better usage. Some of the later voice recorders, also software, which helps convert the audio into a text file you write.

Look for connectivity

Like any other gadget latest digital recorders are equipped with a USB interface for PC connection. It helps a lot in the transfer of files from the recorder to PC and vice versa.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Solar Gadgets - Gotta Love Them


It has been said that our nation is in love with a wide range of things from civil rights to freedom. Bah! If we are honest we must admit we are infatuated with gadgets.

Solar Gadgets - Gotta Love Them

Forget oil dependency, our greatest weakness as a nation is we are fools for gadgets. If onion skins, 56 different ways, we own it. Do not believe me? Ask yourself a question. When you go to a fair trial, the number of gadgets you can get to take home? Be honest. There is no shame in that. In fact, I think there must be an argument that a particular object, whatever it is, is not usually until it includes gadgets. If this is true, solar energy may finally be a real alternative.

Many of us have too many gadgets, particularly the small personal gadgets. Cell phones, iPods, PDAs, Bluetooth, I have them all. I find it a bit 'ironic that all these little gadgets to make life easier for me to see how a walk to the Sherpa. Regardless, the digital age there is a problem, and you know what it is. Gadgets that require power and more run down when they are needed most. This naturally leads us to walk hand-in power converter looking for a comfortable grip of some kind. Instead of looking like a junkie trying to find a solution, you can use a very useful new gadget.

solar kits are the latest thing and when it comes to gadgets. Yes, I said to the sun. The packages come in many different forms, but they tend to resemble the dark files of CDs. Packets are thin and lightweight. When you're outside, just unzip them, put them in the sun and plug your power hungry gadgets in them. The packets will be a charger for your gadget and you're ready to go.

Finally, solar energy, we can use on a personal level. I guess it's here to stay.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Digital Photography Experience


Everyone is going digital today. Take the example of photography. Most of us now have digital cameras come with a number of features. The old film camera is becoming obsolete. When you buy a new camera, people are overwhelmingly choosing the digital camera instead of film cameras. Only casual photographers who are still in the photo studio to get the roll of film developed are as follows to replace their old equipment. But the rest of the world click happy I can not get enough of the revelation that call the digital camera.

The transition to digital photography with our led to many consequences. For example, photo frames, old age becoming obsolete. We do not get our photos developed. Instead we find ourselves reading the images on our computers. I agree it is very convenient, but there is a charm associated with the strategic marketing to our new living room walls painted. This charm has disappeared from our lives. Started at least until the latest photography gadgets to make his presence felt.

The digital photo frame is very important for those of us who like to give a prominent place in our high-resolution photos. In addition, digital photo frames allow us to present a slideshow of our finest images. Is not it an improvement over heavy album that insisted on taking up so much space? In addition, a digital photo frame, even play videos, and has a good one. Plus a number of these new age photo frames come with a remote control of their own. Looking through images has become a completely new experience.

Do not be intimidated by the idea that digital photo frames can not compete with their non-digital in terms of design. Some more recent pictures of digital photography can give your old picture frames a run for their money. At the same time, these digital frames can cost you a bit. However, if you're a gadget lover, you probably will rush to stores to buy your own digital photo frame.

When shopping for this cool device, make sure you consider the screen size, aspect ratio and resolution of the frames you want. Not all frames are a great memory. You might get a memory card, if you have any photos that you want to view. Do a little research before you buy that little gadget 'clean.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Golf Tips - What Is The Latest Gadget?


The more golf for both men and women is a constant effort for the next gadget that will help players improve their game. And - as with almost all of the market - no shortage of companies offering gadgets and gizmos promising just that. So how do you know what works and what does not? Here are some things you can do.

Listen to friends, the pros and other golfers. There is no doubt that you will have some bad advice, so listen to the complete statement of a particular object. For example, if someone says it lost $ 20 on a gadget that was supposed to help your swing, you know why it did not work. It could be that the reason did not work for his friend why it works for you. For example, if your friend is struggling with a consistent slice and your problem is the distance, this gadget can help - even if it was of no help to his friend.

Another point on the golf gadgets are assessing what the product is supposed to do and how. Remember that golf is a sport that requires time, practice and effort. There is no "magic" gadgets or golf tips that suddenly make your game better. If you find these gadgets that make outlandish claims, beware. Your grandmother had good advice when she said, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Before buying a gadget to help golf, think about how they operate. It may be that the use of a video game or other gadget is a great idea, but only if you have what it takes to do the job. Do not buy expensive equipment to evaluate your swing if it requires more disk space than you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What To Look For Quality Ipod Case


The iPod is the new innovation and revolution of music players in the modern era. It is not, especially teenagers and young adults do not know about your iPod. If you are the one who already have iPods, so congratulations. What will happen after you have purchased iPod players is to get additional accessories for your iPod headphone port covers protective Click Wheel, Dock Connector pop-open, etc. But the most popular accessories that people are looking for is iPod case. This is because iPod player is something that is very sensitive to temperature and vibration, it is strongly recommended that you should get a case for your iPod as soon as possible to ensure maximum protection for your iPod. But there are plenty of iPod cases available on the market and it may be difficult for you to make decision-making.

But there are several online communities where iPod lovers meet and discuss topics on any iPod, and they certainly have some sort of review of the case iPod, you can find very useful to help you make a decision.

As mentioned above, there are many vendors produce cases for iPod users, unfortunately, not all see the importance of producing good quality iPod cases. Consequently, there are still people who use the iPod did for these companies have problems with their iPod damage from the accident. Sometimes, even if you can find good quality iPod cases, but he could not provide comfortable and convenient for the control of the iPod while in the case.

The quality of the iPod case for some time may be determined by the price of own case. In general, we can get a quality case just place the iPod in just about 20-30 dollars. However, I recommend that you should buy this when you really have a limited budget or simply need adequate protection only, but for some of you can afford the more expensive iPod cases strongly suggest that you should buy the highest quality.

Especially if you have the latest iPod model they need for maximum protection and functionality. You may have to deal with the issue, which costs about $ 100 or more. In addition, there may be people who have an unlimited budget and willing to invest in the case of the designer for hundreds or thousands of dollars. As the designer iPod cases often have no choice who could help you when you wear your iPod as paper clips, cuffs, etc.

iPod cases are also present in many types of materials, a brief description of equipment normally used to produce iPod case.

Metal housing: There are several advantages of using metal box could be the most durable material among other types of housing material and metal gives the slaughter of modern and is also ultra-slim and lightweight.

Leather case: This is probably the most valuable type of iPod case. You can get adequate protection at a reasonable price with the leather case. They are also available in millions of colors, what could be the most important advantage, if compared with metal cases, however, the leather has a certain disadvantage is that they usually have pages that are open and unprotected, leaving your iPod on the vulnerable side.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Advanced Technology Of The Toshiba Tablet Pc


Product Overview: The Toshiba Tablet PC

Featuring the latest advances in computer technology, the Toshiba Tablet PC is a notebook style computer designed to allow interactive writing on the screen. Touch-screen technology enables users to write with either a stylus or a digital pen. Eliminating the need for a standard mouse and keyboard makes the Toshiba Tablet PC a real asset for executives on the go. For easy access and presentation capability, the Toshiba Tablet PC includes a swivel screen that can be turned out or in depending on the needs of the user. With all the power of a regular notebook PC and the advanced touch-screen capabilities, it represents the future of computer technology.

Features Available on the Toshiba Tablet PC

Just as with standard notebooks, the Toshiba Tablet PC can be customized to include the features that will be most applicable to each user. Selecting the options that will provide the most benefit allows for greater overall value. In addition to the normal applications available, the Toshiba Tablet PC can include:

* Versatile RAM Memory – Original and expansion memory can be added as necessary.
* Wi-Fi Capability – Get connected to the internet anywhere without the hassle of wires and dial-ups.
* Bluetooth Connectivity – Allows for optimum use of Bluetooth devices and synchronization.
* Flash Memory Drive – Increases the amount of mobile memory in your PC.
* Toshiba Custom Utilities – Created specifically for Toshiba PCs, utility software enables you to monitor and repair your system.
* Dual-Axis Accelerometer – Automatically detects the screen position and adjusts the visual accordingly.
* Docking Capability – Makes working with a Toshiba Tablet PC as simple to operate as any desktop PC.

Toshiba Tablet PC Models

Toshiba offers several models of their popular tablet PCs. Finding the right Toshiba Tablet PC is a matter of determining the power and utilities you most need. Tablet PCs range in price depending on the model and accompanying features. Some of the most popular models include:

* Toshiba Portege M200 Series - One of the most desired tablet PCs on the market, the Portege M200 series contains everything you from a notebook and tablet PC. Features on the Portege series:

+ 1.5GHz Pentium Processor

+ 256MB Expandable RAM Memory

+ 40GB Hard Drive

+ 12.1” Display Screen

+ 2 USB 2.0 and VGA ports

+ Network Connectivity: 10/100 Ethernet, Modem or Wi-Fi

+ Storage: PC Card Type 1, SD Slot

+ Weight: 4.4Lbs

* Toshiba Satellite R15 Series - A step up from the Portege model, the Toshiba Satellite R15 Series gives you even more power for your applications. Features on the Satellite R15 Series:

+ 1.7GHz Pentium Processor

+ 256MB Expandable RAM Memory

+ 40-80GB Hard Drive

+ 14.1” Display Screen

+ 3 USB 2.0 and VGA, FireWire

+ Network Connectivity: 10/100 Ethernet or Modem

+ Storage: DVD Double Layer Drive

+ Weight: 6.1Lbs

* Toshiba Tecra M4 Series - The top-of-the-line in tablet PCs, the Toshiba Tecra M4 Series supplies advanced power, memory and application capabilities for a complete tablet PC package. Features of the Tecra M4 Series:

+ 1.73Hz Pentium Processor

+ 256MB Expandable RAM Memory

+ 80GB Hard Drive

+ 14.1” Display Screen

+ 2 USB 2.0 and VGA, FireWire, S Video Ports

+ Network Connectivity: Gigabit Ethernet, Modem or Fast IR

+ Storage: DVD Double Layer Drive

+ Weight: 6.2Lbs

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Do You Really Need a 4G Phone Right Now?


4G is here! More Gs means more faster, right? And who doesn't want their phone to be faster? Except—maybe you don't need 4G today.

What are you gonna do with all those Gs?

Today's 4G networks (leaving the semantic niggles of 4G aside) offer real-world downstream speeds that range from 3-6Mbps on Sprint's WiMax, 3-6Mbps on T-Mobile's HSPA+ network, and Verizon's promised 5-12Mbps. That's roughly 2x-6x faster than the 3G speeds we were seeing a year ago; it's closer to DSL-level speeds in lots of cities across the US.
When I peer over people's shoulders to see what they're looking on their smartphone (I'm very nosy) half the time they're looking at Facebook. This is what a typical procession of usage looks like to me: Facebook; email; Twitter; web browser; Twitter (again); maps.
Is 4G going to make that stuff—the majority of what people do on their smartphones—that much faster?
Consider how fast your phone feels on Wi-Fi, which is the kind of experience 4G is promising, compared to how it runs out in the open. The comparatively skimpy CPUs in tablets and phones are as much the bottleneck behind web pages taking longer to load on a phone than they do on your laptop. In the end, with 4G, you're talking about shaving seconds, not radically redefining the experience of posting on somebody's wall.
The applications that'll really tap 4G powers on phones and tablets are still in their infancy. (Aside from downloading apps.) The most obvious application right now is video, because apps have historically been designed to minimize how much bandwidth you're eating on a mobile device, rather than treat it as freely as it would on your home network. There aren't very many killer high-bandwidth, non-video applications in the pipeline. Audio streaming could sound better, perhaps. So could voice calls, except 4G networks are data-only for now. Torrenting won't fly. The problem with online gaming is latency—and these networks still have a fair amount of it. Multi-megapixel image uploads to Flickr will be faster, though.
So there's video streaming! Netflix, arguably the premiere video streaming service now, is only on a handful of phones. Video chat: Still a messy minefield. Video uploads to services like YouTube. It's good 4G networks are rolling out now, to get developers thinking about how they'll use these 4G networks. But unless you're an aggro-nerd—tethering, watching tons of video over the air and doing who knows what else—you're probably safe waiting out jumping on the 4G bandwagon for another generation of more powerful phones and the really amazing apps that'll come with them, tapping higher power CPUs and that fat, over-the-air pipe.
On the flip side, given that carriers are increasingly moving to payment models where you pay for every byte that you use—Verizon's got a 5GB cap for its LTE network, just as stingy as its 3G data cap—maybe all of those high bandwidth applications still won't look all that attractive. The 2GB and 5GB caps from AT&T and Verizon seem roomy enough now, but what about in a year or two?

Holy coverage, Batman

The thing about new networks is that they take time to roll out. So, coverage is limited or spotty, no matter whose 4G network you're on. Verizon's rolling LTE out to just 38 markets this year. Sprint's is available in just 68 markets—New York just got it, and SF won't see it until Dec. 28. T-Mobile covers 75 cities with its HSPA+ network. And even inside of "covered" cities, coverage is rarely a snuggly blanket of smooth coverage, in our experience, at least compared to established 3G networks. When are you gonna get 4G in your town?

It's a battery killer

Know what happens when you flip the 4G switch on an Evo to start sucking in lots of data? Your battery rapidly sputters to death, like a man swallowing too many McRibs at once. [Delicious citation needed. –Ed.] And that's going to an issue in general: The faster your phone is pulling in data with these modems, the faster your battery's going to die. Of course, if you've ever flipped your phone from 3G to EDGE to save battery life, you already knew that.
So, in the end, 4G sounds shiny and awesome and fast, but it's worth a gut check before you buy a phone just 'cause it has 4G tacked on the end of it: Do you really need all those Gs?
You probably don't.

Article Source:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Time To Switch To An Apple Macbook


The Apple MacBook is the most talked about laptop this year, but does it live up to its hype? The Apple MacBook is a follow up from the Apple MacBook Pro giving a more consumer-friendly price with a new design. Around a thousand dollars cheaper the Macbook pro, the Macbook still has a lot of the same cool features:

• Has an updated Intel's Core 2 Duo CPU
• A built in Webcam with remote control
• Is able to run Windows XP
• Two USB 2.0 Ports
• FireWire 400

The MacBook definitely lives up to its expectations starting at only 1,099 dollars. These 13.3 inch laptops can almost do everything their predecessor MacBook Pro can, costing a thousand dollars less. It has many of the same features as the pro including iSight Camera and a great distinctive look. The Macbook is great for anyone looking to update their older Macbook.

The MacBook has a very nice screen with a resolution of 1200x800 pixels and is 13.3 inches wide making everything clear and easy to read. The Pro offers 1,440x900, but the difference is almost nothing to the naked eye. One of the greatest changes Apple has incorporated into the MacBook is the keyboard. It has totally flat keys like the Sony VAIO C150P/B other than the concave keys they use to have. The MacBook also has a two finger scroll making the laptop much easier to use without a mouse. Apple is known for their innovation, and the MacBook’s AC adaptor shows that. The AC adaptor is attached magnetically, so if you trip over the wire it will simply detach instead of sending your whole laptop crashing down. Genius right?

Performance and Upgrades

Several battery tests have been given to the Macbook with impressive results. The average length of battery time was 3 hours and 30 minutes which was 30 minutes more than the MacBook Pro.

There are many upgrades and accessories available for the Macbook. One of the most popular is $59 dollars for an airline power adaptor called the MagSafe Airline Adaptor. With it, you could easily watch a movie or two during your flight. The basic MacBook Pro comes with 1GB of RAM and a 120GB hard drive. You can double all of that for $175, or you can spoof up your hard drive to 160 GB for 100 dollars or 200 GB for 200 dollars. Apple also sells a number of external accessories including a USB modern jack for 49 dollars or a mini-DVI-to-VGA adapter for 19 dollars.

Although the MacBook and MacBook Pro share a lot of similarities there are some major differences including the price, screen size, and design. One of the major changes is that The MacBook Pro is equipped with ATI Mobility Radeon X1600, while the MacBooks are stuck with Intel GMA 950 graphics. If you’re a gamer you should consider getting the Pro.

The new MacBook is definitely a hit giving consumers a chance to own a business-like laptop for a very reasonable price. Although there are some differences, the MacBook still has a lot of the great features of the MacBook Pro.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Types Of Mobile Display Technologies


A handset might seem to be just a device tnat lets you zaiK on a cellular network, but actually, there is a lot you need to know about handsets before you go out and buy one. What do you need? What kind of form factors are available? What about the battery? Then, there’s the camera to be considered. Also, if a mobile phone is to be really mobile, you need to consider connectivity options. Then there are accessories to jazz up your phone -We round off this chapter with descriptions of a few especially desirable phones.

Display Types

Not only do mobile phone displays show caller information, menu options, contacts, etc., mobile phone displays these days need to be capable of displaying thousands of colours so that high-end features such as images and video playback offer the desired user experience. The followingis a brief on the various types of display technologies in use for mobile phones.


LCD displays utilise two sheets of polarising material with a liquid crystal solution between them. Crystals in this suspension are naturally aligned parallel with one another, allowing light to pass through the panel. When electric current is applied, the crystals change orientation and block light instead of allowing it to pass through, turning the crystal region dark.There are two main types of Liquid Crystal Displays: STN and TFT.


Super Twisted Nematic LCDs use the passive matrix screen technology, which has no active or controlling element inside the display cell. Pixels are controlled by energising the appropriate row and column drive lines of the matrix from outside the display, resulting in a slow frame rate. STN screens have limited colour range and viewing angles (~15 degrees max).


With Thin Film Transistor (TFT) LCDs, each pixel is controlled by one to four transistors. Typically one transistor is used for each of the RGB colour channels. Because of this direct control technique, TFT screens are also called Active-Matrix LCDs.TFT technology provides more accurate colour control, allowing it to display more colours and also offer a wider viewing angle range than other types of LCDs.


OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. OLED is a flat-panel display technology that is now being used in a variety of devices. Apart from mobile phones, you can also find OLED screens on portable audio players, car audio systems, PDAs and digital cameras. The basic property of OLEDs was discovered in 1985, over a decade before the first displays were seen. Ching Tang, a Kodak researcher, noticed that an organic material glows green if you pass an electrical current through it.An OLED is made by placing a series of organic thin films between two conductors. They operate on the attraction between positively and negatively charged particles. When voltage is applied, one layer becomes negatively charged relative to another transparent layer. As energy passes from the negatively charged layer to the other layer, it stimulates organic material between the two, which emits light visible through a layer of glass. There must be blue, red, and green light-producing organic material to produce the different colours. Because screens using OLED technology produce light themselves, they do not require a backlight as compared to LCD screens. This means that OLED displays require less power and also can be made very thin. Without any other source of illumination, OLED screens can display bright images that are viewable from almost any angle.Like LCDs, OLEDs also come in passive-matrix and active-matrix flavours.Passive-matrix OLEDs are made up of a matrix of electrically-conducting rows and columns making pixels. Between the rows and the columns are the organic layers. On the other side is the substrate, the material which gives the electricity. The more cur-rent applied, the brighter the display.In Active-matrix OLEDs, there is a TFT back plate instead of rows and columns. This controls the brightness of each pixel. There are two TFT arrays per pixel: one to start and stop the charging of the capacitor, and one to provide a constant electrical current to the pixel. Active-matrix OLEDs consume much lower power than passive-matrix ones.OLEDs have the following advantages over LCD or plasma displays: New-age displays: OLEDs can bring in new types of displays, like ultra-thin, flexible or transparent displays.

Power efficiency:

Since OLED screens do not require a back-i hey require much less power compared to other types of displays. This makes OLED a far better choice for portable devices.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

T-Mobile Sidekick: Chip Off The Old Block


T-Mobile is one of the leading cell phone service providers in the US. It has become a popular operator thanks to its customer-friendly payment scheme. T-Mobile has come up with many innovative schemes to retain its top position in the US market. One of such initiatives is the marketing of the T-Mobile Sidekick. The Sidekick is a multipurpose phone, with great messaging, browsing, and gaming options.

The Sidekick marketing initiative put T-Mobile in the top spot in the US cellphone market. Now it has launched the T-Mobile Sidekick II, an improvement on the original Sidekick.

T-Mobile Sidekick II retails at T-Mobile stores and can be used with the Sidekick data plan from T-Mobile. Apart from the run-of-the-mill cellphone functions, T-Mobile Sidekick II allows you to use sounds and pictures to communicate with your friend and family with its MMS or multimedia messaging service. The in-built camera puts more fun into messaging when using Sidekick Ii.

The Sidekick II’s AOL Instant Messenger application allows you to IM your friends anywhere. T-Mobile’s application download service can enable you to download Yahoo’s messenger service too. Another cool Sidekick II feature is the Auto Text word completion system which makes it easier to enter words and text on to your handset. It’s a very convenient feature to have if you are a power user of mobile email and text messaging. You can also have email from up to three of your personal accounts pulled in directly into your Sidekick II. With Sidekick II’s embedded browser, you can browse the Web easily. Also, you are just a fingertip away from the latest news headlines, weather updates, games, and ringtone downloads with T-Mobile’s t-zones service.

The Sidekick has many other useful features. It’s got a calendar with up to 1000 event entries, an alarm to remind you of the calendar events you’ve stored, and a to-do list. You can synchronize these tools with Microsoft Outlook through the Sidekick II’s USB data connection or wirelessly through Intellisync technology. The Intellisync Web-based application runs on any PC with a Web browser. With Intellysinc, you can view all photos on Sidekick II as in a photo gallery on your PC. All data is stored remotely.

With the T-Mobile Sidekick II you can send and receive virtual contact cards or vCards. With vCards, you can save and share contact information with friends. The Sidekick II also has a mini-LED flashlight. The Sidekick II also enables you to snap photos and share them with friends through messaging or email or the Intellysinc gallery. The camera also has a night mode for good shots in low light situations.

If you are a gaming fan, the game Rock and Rocket is available with the T-Mobile Sidekick II. You can also download more games through the t-zones service. The handset, running on GSM/GPRS 900/1800/1900 frequencies, is powered by a lithium ion battery which provides 4.5 hours of digital talk time, and 60 hours of digital standby. It has an internal memory of 48 MB.

Loaded as it is with so many cool features, the T-Mobile Sidekick II seems pretty awesome -- much like a Swiss Army knife. But it seems even that isn’t the end of the road. It’s widely rumored that the US cellphone market will soon have to admit a new entrant, the T-Mobile Sidekick III, before Christmas!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Portable Media Inputs For Computers


Portable media is one of the most popular things that can be used. Whether it is for an MP3 player, a digital camera or something that is just used to transport files around, portable media can be used to easily transfer information from one computer to another. There are numerous portable media inputs to look into.

The most popular of the portable media inputs for computers is the USB input. The Universal Serial Bus input is used to improve plug and play compatibility so that devices can be easily connected to a computer without having to restart the computer or install additional software. Flash drives are especially popular among USB inputs, but various other programs and hardware will use this. This includes MP3 players that use USB connections to connect the player to the computer or portable video players that work in the same way. Hardware for the computers have been using USB inputs too, including computer speakers, monitors and printers.

An SD card is another of the portable media inputs for computers. Short for Secure Digital, this is a popular method of data storage for all different types of digital media. This includes digital cameras, GPS devices and PDA computers. Many of the top cards can hold multiple gigabytes of information. SD cards are becoming popular in these devices and more computers have built in SD card readers. SDHC cards, which are Secure Digital High Capacity cards, are also popular and can be read on these computers. These cards are known for using the FAT32 file system and can handle more than ten gigabytes of data.

Most computers will have memory stick compatibility. This is one of the most commonly used portable media inputs for computers because it can be easily transported and can carry large amounts of data. This media input can write around two megabytes of information per second and can transfer more megabytes per second. This is one of the portable media inputs for computers that is continually evolving. Whereas an original stick would be able to handle sixteen megabytes of data, a Memory Stick PRO can handle more than a gigabyte of information and the Memory Stick Micro, which is smaller in size but can fit into a typical memory stick input, can theoretically fit up to thirty two gigabytes of data.

CompactFlash is another of the portable media inputs for computers. This is an input that is used especially with digital cameras. Many computers today will have built in inputs for CompactFlash cards. Some of these cards will be able to handle data with sizes as great as that of four gigabytes. Professional film development stores that have machines that can read CompactFlash cards can even handle this type of portable media. Because of the ease of reading the data on the card, it is affordable to print pictures from a CompactFlash input at one of these stores.

The last of the portable media inputs for computers is the SmartMedia card. This is a flash memory card made by Toshiba that is popular among digital cameras. Several considerations should be used with this input though. In addition, some devices will only be able to handle five-volt cards and not 3.3-volt cards. Some readers can handle cards of either voltage, and this is the case for most computers that have these portable media inputs for the SmartMedia card.

Portable media is popular in that it is easier to store and move data between computers. These five portable media inputs for computers are among the ones that can be found on a typical computer system. Not only will these portable media inputs for computers read the data that is stored on cards and other devices, but in many cases they can be used to connect equipment that uses these cards and devices with ease.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HP Pavilion Media Center TV M7350N PC


Let us start at the very beginning when we get to know this computer called HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7350n PC. You may be interested to know that this computer has many names and some of its aliases are:

• HP Pavilion Media Center EL406AA
• HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7350n
• HP Pavilion Media Center
• Hewlett-Packard EL406AA
• Or simply as the Hewlett-Packard TV m7350n.

Such technology is expected to be really functional. What’s in the HP Pavilion Media Center TV that makes it unique? For one, the HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7350n PC has an Intel processor with processor class D. It has a processing speed of 2.8 GHz, and a 2 GB installed memory. Its BUS speed is 800 MHz and a cache size of 4 MB. The memory technology is DDR II SDRAM with a maximum memory of 4 GB. The system chipset is Intel 945P Express.

Further, the hard drive has a storage capacity of 250 GB. Its CD Read Speed is 40X, the CD Write Speed is 40X, the CD Rewrite Speed is 32X, and the DVD Read Speed is 16X. It comes with Serial ATA Drive Controllers as well. The 2nd CD Read Speed is 16X.

For graphics and the monitor, you get a plug-in card for video integration and 64 MB of installed video memory. For networking and communications functions, your HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7350n PC has a 56 Kbps modem speed, and both Fast Ethernet and Ethernet for network support.

The interface connectors you get with your HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7350n PC are three forms of line-out: line-out (center/subwoofer), line-out (rear), and line-out (side surround.) On one hand, the expansion slot types of your HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7350n PC accommodate an XD-Picture Card, SD Memory Card, Memory Stick, SmartMedia Card, PCI Express x16, a CompactFlash Card, Memory, Processor, and PCI.

This type of computer uses Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 as its operating system (or OS.)The OS comes with these different software programs:

• Microsoft Office 2003 Student and Teacher Edition (Trial)
• Muvee autoProducer
• HP Image Zone
• RealPlayer
• Sonic MyDVD
• PC-Doctor 5 for Windows
• A 60-day subscription to Norton Internet Security 2005 AntiSpyware
• Adobe Reader 7.0
• Sonic DigitalMedia Plus
• Microsoft Works 8.0
• And InterVideo WinDVD 5

Moreover, the keyboard and mouse are the input devices provided. You can buy the appropriate monitor via a separate purchase as an independent unit.

And now that we know all that techie mumbo-jumbo, it brings us to the most important question: what can it do for us? Well, to start with, it makes for an excellent paperweight, especially if you accidentally plug it into the wrong power source which then renders the insides fried and useless. However, that doesn't justify the expense. Unless you’ll take a closer look at it, you’ll never appreciate this computer. So let us look deeper.

Since this computer is actually a Media Center, that gives those of you who love your entertainment a ray of hope. For one thing, you can record, and create video recordings to a maximum of 170 hours. The Image Zone software (an exclusive technology of Hewlett Packard) permits you to edit, organize, then store and protect any video clips and photos you feel are worth preserving. You can also create personalized CDs and DVDs with this baby. And there is much, much more it can do – but you need to read the manual for that to get at the nitty gritty technical details.

Should you buy this product then? Well, that's really up to you – if you feel you really need all those high-tech features for both your leisure and work, then this is a great investment. Depending on your usage, the HP Pavilion Media Center is a cool state-of-the art technology for your personal and business needs.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Sony VAIO keeps on improving


The best of the Sony VAIO laptops are known for coming with very high-quality components, and the current range doesn’t disappoint. The processors are Intel Core Duo (Intel’s latest dual-core processor), Fujitsu supply the hard disks and Samsung the memory – no cheap knockoffs from the Far East make it into Sony’s laptops.

Each laptop also comes with a special kind of Sony screen, called X-Brite, that makes the image on the screen appear brighter and clearer. These screens are widescreen, to allow you to view films easily on your laptop and have a wider area to work with when you’re just using the computer normally.

Each series of models within the VAIO range is identified by two letters, such as AR or TX. They all have quite similar specifications, always keeping up with the latest advances in technology, with the main difference being the weight and size.

The heaviest VAIO is the 17-inch AR series, which still only weighs about 4 kilos. If you’re looking for something really light, Sony make an 11-inch laptop, the TX, which weighs just over one kilo, and an even tinier one, the UX, which weighs under a kilo.

Sony is also known for the quality of the bundled software that they include with their VAIO laptops (although you can choose to leave it out if you want, and get a discount). This includes Windows XP Professional, other Microsoft software such as Office, and then Sony’s own Movie Shaker (a movie-editing program, like Windows Movie Maker or iMovie), SonicStage (a music management program, like iTunes) and PictureGear (a photo album program, like iPhoto or Picasa). It is clear that Sony intends for VAIO laptops to be used as part of a larger Sony entertainment system, and often builds-in software that can be used to connect Portable Playstations, Minidisc players, Memory Sticks and other Sony devices.

Bluetooth Headset Basics Revealed


What is a Bluetooth headset? You've certainly seen them, those things connected to people's ears that make them look like they just walked out of a Star Trek convention. At first glance, it almost looks like a giant bug has attached itself to the side of the person's face, causing a moment of alarm as one prepares either to help the poor victim or run for cover. Other times, people walk down the street, apparently talking to themselves in either calm or vigorous tones. It isn't until a quick turn of the head reveals a Bluetooth headset.

A Bluetooth headset is an odd name for what this little gizmo is and does. First of all, it's usually not blue, it doesn't have anything to do with teeth, and it isn't really a headset: it fits around the outside of your ear like sleek CD player headphone earpieces. With a Bluetooth headset, nothing gets draped around the neck or over the head.

A Bluetooth headset, in English, is a wireless device that connects one to mobile phones, PCs, laptops, digital cameras, printers and even video game consoles. It has global range capabilities and a short-range radio frequency. The distance a Bluetooth headset can pick up frequencies is determined by the power of the transceiver microchip inside, and most headsets can pick up anything as long as the other party or object is in range. The Bluetooth headset device also uses a radio communications system, and as long as the signal can be picked up, so can you. Be advised however, that in order to make a Bluetooth headset work, you need to meet certain specifications, and your Bluetooth headset must be compatible with that of the person or device with which you wish to communicate. Make sense?

One of the most positive aspects of Bluetooth headset capability is that it allows hands-free use. Especially with new laws on the books regarding people driving with cell phones, a Bluetooth headset offers a safe alternative, and yet allows necessary communication between parties or hardware. Believe it or not, a Bluetooth headset can also communicate with a PC mouse, printers and keyboards. A Bluetooth headset also allows users to transfer data from the headset to a destination such as a palm pilot as well. The younger groups will appreciate the fact that a Bluetooth headset can control gaming consoles such as Playstation 3, Nintendo, and new Wii technologies.

Bluetooth technology isn't limited to the Bluetooth headset. It's also found in just about any newer types of electronic and computer equipment being manufactured today. Even Wi-Fi uses the same frequency as a Bluetooth headset, while Bluetooth technology is more user friendly. First designed in 1994 by two Swedes, the original company now has thousands of companies worldwide. Major global companies such as Intel, Nokia, Sony and IBM have all taken advantage of boom in Bluetooth technology and developed products and services to support it. So, a Bluetooth headset is much more than a cute little mobile phone that fits over your ear. A Bluetooth headset is riding the crest of the wave into the future.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The New Xbox 360 Elite Video Game Player: Overview And Opinions


As you might have heard, there's a new console in town: Xbox 360™ Elite. For those of you who are not hardcore gamers or are parents of one, you may not know much about the Xbox 360 Elite that was recently released by Microsoft. The Xbox 360 Elite is the third and most expensive variation of the Xbox 360 console in addition to “core” and “premium.” Xbox 360 Elite is equipped with a premium black finish, three powerful core processors, full surround sound, a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cable, and DVD playback. Xbox 360 Elite is now the premier Xbox 360 console package that includes a large 120GB hard drive, a HDMI port, a high-definition cable. The Xbox 360 Elite is set up to extend the entertainment experience of the regular Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 Elite is based on the Zephyr motherboard, which features a HDMI port and an improved GPU heat sink. The $480 Xbox 360 Elite is black instead of white, includes a hard drive that is six times as large as the previous 360s and twice as big as the rival PS3s. The HDMI output makes for easier hookups to HDTVs. While it's primarily a game machine, the Xbox 360 Elite is a digital media hub as well. Users report that initial setup of the Xbox 360 Elite is easy; you just select the language and then either establish your Xbox Live account or re-link to an existing account. The consensus of opinion on the web seems to be that the Xbox 360 Elite is mainly for people who haven't bought a Xbox 360 yet and that the Xbox 360 Elite is a great choice for only $80 more than the premium version. The Xbox 360 Elite is still cheaper than Sony's 80GB console, but does lack some features such as a Blu-ray drive or any other integrated WiFi solution, as some gamers necessitate. The bottom line opinion, though, seems to be that while it's neither a must-have upgrade for existing 360 owners nor as feature-packed as the PS3, the Xbox 360 Elite's combination of top-notch gaming and digital media features make it the current game console of choice.

Xbox 360 Elite Features and News

The Xbox 360 Elite also includes a black wireless controller and black Xbox LIVE® headset. There is currently a rumor of a price drop on the way that the core and premium will get a $50 price drop but the Elite will only get a $29 price drop.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

iPod Nano Camera, Newest Model - A Review of its Video Camera


Apple's latest presentation in its iPod series, the 5th generation iPod Nano Camera Newest Model, was launched on 9th September, 2009.
A video camera on your music player
This small, compact and portable gadget has a video camera with a large 2.2 inch screen. The camera with a lens of the size of a bead is located at the lower back of the iPod.
The iPod Nano camera, with an in-built microphone, is very easy to use and can be accessed only after two clicks on its menu.
It has a 640x480-pixel resolution and can sync with most video playback and streaming software. While the iPod Nano 8GB size can store up to impressive 7 hours of captured video, 7,000 photos and 2,000 songs, the 16 GB model can store up to almost double these figures. It is difficult to find such massive storage in any other model as small and light as iPod Nano video camera.
You can create special Hollywood video effects by choosing anyone of the 15 options such as film grain or motion blur. Just scroll down the menu to select video camera and take your pick of Hollywood effect and start recording the fun event in any portrait or landscape you like.
You may post your recordings in your Facebook or YouTube pages or send them by email to your friends.
Problem with video
1. The quality of the videos shot by the iPod is not as good as expected.
2. It cannot take still photos.
3. Although the small, sleek and lightweight of the iPod Nano is one of its most attractive features, its very same virtue often produces shaky videos.
4. You have to buy a video dock or third party output device to view your video recordings on your TV.
Although some of the features of the video camera may not come up to your expectations, its down-to-earth low price and the abundance of features can compensate for them. Compare it with other video cameras which cost as much as Nano, but have only a fraction of its features.
Do you want to buy the latest iPod Nano Camera to capture the fun and spirit of this festive season? You need to make an enlightened decision. Please click on the link iPod Nano camera to read a detailed and unbiased review of its pros and cons along with pictures and videos.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Ipod Generations


The original iPod (mp3 mp4 player) introduced on 23 October 2001 marked the first iPod generation, and the latest iPod introduced on 12 October 2005 marked the fifth iPod generation, which was subsequently revised with a revision iPod model on September 2006, often referred to as generation 5.5. Note that the generations are referred with reference to the model name and not with reference to the date of release.

For a better understanding about iPod generations, check the following:

On October 23, 2001, the first generation of iPod was released. The model name was iPod and had the storage capacity of 5 to 10 gb. It used FireWire connection to computers and it had a mechanical scroll wheel.

On July 17, 2002, the second generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 10, 20 gb. It used FireWire connection to computers and it had a touch-sensitive wheel. The Hold switch was revised. The FireWire port had a cover.

On April 28, 2003, the third generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 gb. It used FireWire connection to computers (USB for syncing only), and it had a central row of touch sensitive buttons. New backlit screen was introduced. Dock connector port was introduced.

On January 6, 2004, the first generation of iPod mini was released. It had the storage capacity of 4 gb. It used FireWire or USB connection to computers, and it introduced the "Click Wheel", which was later adopted by the fourth generation iPod. It was available in 5 colors.

On July 19, 2004, the fourth generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 20, 30, 40, 60 gb. It used FireWire or USB connection to computers, and buttons were integrated to form "Click Wheel". The monochrome model was replaced in June 2005 by the color display with photo viewer, which was introduced in October 2004.

On January 11, 2005, the first generation of iPod shuffle was released. It had the storage capacity of 512 mb, 1gb. It used USB connection to computers, and it had no screen, no click wheel. It used flash memory instead of hard drive storage.

On February 22, 2005, the second generation of iPod mini was released. It had the storage capacity of 4, 6 gb. It used FireWire or USB connection to computers , and it had longer battery life, and brighter color variants. Gold model discontinued. No AC adapter. The body color matched the click wheel lettering.

On September 7, 2005, the first generation of iPod nano was released. It had the storage capacity of 1, 2, 4 gb. It used USB connection to computers (FireWire for charging only), and it was the successor of iPod mini. Slimmer design, flash memory, color screen and lyrics support.

On October 12, 2005, the fifth generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 30, 60, 80 gb. It used USB connection to computers (FireWire for charging only), and it had large screen with video player and lyrics support. No AC adapter, Universal Dock, or A/V cables were included. It had black and white color variants. This model was revised in September 2006 (often called as generation 5.5) had a brighter display, a music search function, and a longer video battery life.

On September 12, 2006, the second generation of iPod shuffle was released. It had the storage capacity of 1 gb. It used USB (via dock only), and it had the aluminum case with smaller form factor. Built-in clip. Later multi-colored models were also released.

On September 12, 2006, the second generation of iPod nano was released. It had the storage capacity of 2, 4, 8 gb It used USB connection to computers (FireWire for charging only), and it had the anodized Aluminum case in 6 colors. Music search function, longer battery life, and brighter screen.

When more refinements are carried out with respect to features, size, weight and etc., a new generation is announced of the respective model. The distinguishing landmarks were the replacement of the mechanical scroll wheel by touch-sensitive click wheel, the replacement of the hard disk by the flash memory, and the replacement of the monochrome display with color displays. Earlier generations are usually discontinued in favor of newer generations. Earlier generations had bundled software compatible with Macintosh only, while later iPod (mp3 mp4 player) generations have both Macintosh and Windows compatible versions.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Latest Computers


This year, I have decided that I need a laptop for Christmas. Because I write for a living, I spend a lot of time on our family PC, and it leaves little time for anyone else to use it. I want to get a laptop so that I can do my work and my husband and my daughter can still have time to do whatever they want or need to do on the PC. We may even ditch this PC and get one of the latest computers for our family to use. This will depend on the budget though, and whether we can afford both remains to be seen.

The problem with going out and getting the latest computers is that they seem to be old the moment you leave the store with them. I have seen that Microsoft will be releasing “Vista” as a new operating system, and they’ll do it just a month after I will be buying my computer. So even though I will be getting one of the latest computers for Christmas this year, the operating system will be old within the matter of a month.

Perhaps this is something that Microsoft has done on purpose, though I can’t be sure. December is a big time to sell the latest computers, as many people like to get them for presents. By releasing the new operating system the next month, which means everyone who got one of the latest computers in December will have to go out and buy the upgrade if they really want it. I’m not sure what I am going to do, and perhaps I am hoping that the latest computers will already have it, and the release they are talking about is for the separate purchase and not on all new models sold. I know some people can already get it.

No matter what operating system you get, be smart when you are looking at the latest computers. They have come down in price, and you will get what you pay for. If you can go somewhere like Best Buy and compare all of the latest computers for price, features and special options, you should make sure you do so. Just because you see something at a deep discount does not mean you are going to get a quality item. The latest computers all come with different things, and you are going to be happier with what you got if you give yourself the time to find the perfect one for you and your needs.

Friday, November 5, 2010

How Are the Latest Laptop Reviews Helpful?


There are many latest gadgets, each more innovative and tempting than the previous one, coming into the electronic market each day. Laptops are one of the favorites among these gadgets. They have become a part of the lifestyle of people today and have become a necessity. They provide connectivity to friends, office work, entertainment and a lot more options. Before choosing a laptop, there are a number of things that you should consider and give a thought to. One of the best ways to decide on your notebook is by reading latest laptop reviews. Before you visit the store to make a choice, it is good to go through a few latest laptop reviews. There are a large number of advantages of doing so.

The uses of laptops reviews are as follows:

  • Knowing the laptop well: When there is a particular model of laptop that you seemed to like a lot or you are imply looking for the best laptop to buy, latest laptop reviews can help you decide. They give you all the details and specifications of the laptop, which will help you make up your mind if the notebook is worth what you are looking for. They also give you pictures of the laptops, so you can even make up your mind for the design and select a laptop of your choice. Latest laptop reviews help you select the perfect laptop for yourself.
  • Finding the best laptops available: When you decide to buy a laptop, you should make the right choice so that you get a notebook worth what you pay for. There are a number of newer models of laptops coming up lately. You should choose one that is not only trendy and in sync with technology but also fulfils all your needs. You should choose a laptop based on why mainly you are buying it. Laptops come with specifications for different purposes and capabilities. All of his information is a part of latest laptop reviews and thus these reviews help you decide on what exactly to go for.
  • Know what you need: You should select a notebook based on your primary reason for buying a laptop. Some laptops have better multimedia capabilities, while some have better office document capabilities and some have better gaming abilities. There are also portable and non-portable laptops to suit your mobility and your comfort, so you can choose the perfect notebook for yourself just by reading a few latest laptop reviews.

Are you looking for latest laptop reviews and latest technology news? Then all you have to do is Click Here!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Motorola W375 - The Latest Camera Phone From Net10 and Tracfone


The Motorola W375 is one of the nicest phones Net10 and Tracfone have offered. This phone has almost the same feel as the Razr. It is thicker and a little bit narrower than the Razr. But the solid like you have something solid in your hand feel is there. It is identical to the Moto W370 with the addition of a camera.

The Moto W375 from Net10 is a Single rate flip phone. No extra charges for Long Distance within the United States and No roaming charges either.

To set up your Net Ten phone for international calls go to the Net10 Website and select the "International Long Distance" link on the home page. You will be asked to put in your phones Serial number. Then you will be given instructions on how to call your international long distance number. It is really quite simple. There is an extra 5 cents a minute charge for international calls with Net10.

Tracfone and NET10 are sister companies with different Prepaid cell phone rates. Tracfone and NET Ten are the only Cell phone companies offering a phone in every Zip code in the United States. Roaming is cheaper with Tracfone and Net10 than with any other prepaid cell phone company. Several Tracfones and all Net10 prepaid phones are one rate which means you do not pay extra for Roaming, or Long Distance.

Features of the Motorola W375 include the camera, online access with the simple push of one button, calculator, alarm clock, a great calendar function,stop watch with lap timer, notepad, phone book, flashlight, texting and more. Also external keys allow you to silence your phone without pulling it out of your pocket. or purse.

Phone Security on your W375. You can easily activate auto locking on your phone. This makes it so you have to select 4 keys before you can make a phone call. Want to keep your kids from using up your minutes? This will also make your phone worthless if someone steals your phone. To set up auto locking select "menu" then "settings" then "Security" then "phone lock" then "automatic lock.." You will want to change the password on your phone. Normally Motorola uses "1234" as their initial password.

I have lots of Photos of the Motorola W375 at my website. I also have an articles on how to use the W375 menus and a simple users manual also.

Rick Kern A Cell phone Industry writer. Check out and Tracfone Tips Prepaid Cell Phone website.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Review - Sony PSP


I'm fairly certain there are folks at Nintendo feeling some serious self-loathing right about now. You see, back in the mid-90's Nintendo contracted Sony to develop a CD-ROM drive for the Super Nintendo. As the project progressed, a number of factors (one of them being the spectacular failure of the Sega CD and its' followup the 32X) led Nintendo to can the project. Sony was left holding the bag, with a CD-based gaming system but no one to sell it to.

Making proverbial lemonade from lemons, Sony turned around and produced what is perhaps the most successful game console in history, the Sony Playstation. The result? For the first time in history, Nintendo took second place in the video game console market, while fellow rival Sega got out of the console business altogether.

One segment of the gaming market Nintendo still has a stranglehold on, however, is the handheld sector. Beginning with the original Gameboy, the name Nintendo has been a veritable synonym for handheld gaming. This dominant streak has held sway through several subsequent iterations of the Gameboy. Some have claimed Nintendo's dual screen DS handheld system to be a revolutionary step forward in portable gaming. Others have decried it as gimmicky. Whichever side you fall on, there's no doubt Nintendo execs are fingering their collars as Sony prepares to rain on their parade with their new Playstation Portable - aka the PSP.

Comparing the two systems, I'd say there's a real chance Nintendo may finally have a serious challenger to the portable gaming throne. Most assuredly, Nintendo will claim that they are pursuing a different demographic than Sony (read 'kids'), and to their credit the pre-teen crowd will probably favor the DS over the PSP. But for anyone over the age of 12, the PSP is definitely a serious contender for your pocket change.

Okay, so enough Nintendo-bashing. Review the damn thing already.

The first impression one gets from the PSP (once you've ravenously clawed your way through the packaging) is just how sleek the system is. From a purely aesthetic standpoint, the PSP is one seriously sexy piece of cutting-edge tech. The system's faceplate is fashioned of one glassy piece, interrupted only by the protrusion of the various buttons. The backside is just as nice, with the UMD disc door featuring a prominent PSP logo inside a silver metal ring set flush against the backplate. The two shoulder buttons are clear plastic, and the perimeter edge is accented in silver giving the whole thing a very streamlined look.

Of course, looks are one thing, but how does it actually play? I'm happy to report that the PSP delivers very well in this regard. For a portable system, weight is an important factor, as it is by nature handheld. The PSP is fairly lightweight, especially considering all the hi-tech goodness crammed into it's slim chassis. In fact, it weighs just about the same as the Nintendo DS, if you need the comparison. You could easily play this thing for hours straight without feeling weighed down.

One thing that takes a little getting used to is the somewhat cramped form-factor. While the PSP's controls may be perfect for Japanese gamers, most Westerners will find that having a go with the PSP will involve a short learning curve while hunting for a comfortable grip. Really, though, it's no worse than any handheld system before it, and there's no denying that Sony designed the PSP with ergonomics in mind. The back of the PSP has a very subtle curvature on each side, creating a natural shallow channel for placing one's's a small detail, but it counts.

Sony smartly modeled the PSP's controls on the PS2's Dualshock controllers, minus two of the front triggers and the right control stick. Replacing the left stick is an analog 'nub', which works much better than it sounds. Rather than tilt on an axis, the nub moves gently in a horizontal direction, giving you the same control as a stick but without the height a stick would require. It's actually a small bit of genius, and works great in action.

As you've probably heard, the PSP's main selling point is its' 4.3-inch hi-def screen. While 4.3 inches doesn't sound like much on paper, the PSP's screen really must be seen to be appreciated. Both games and feature films look absolutely fantastic, and since the screen is formatted to a 16:9 ratio both applications can be appreciated in full widescreen, high-definition glory. Watching Spiderman 2 (which was included in the first million units sold in the US) is a remarkable experience; when I first booted it up, I laughed at the game store manager and proclaimed 'It looks better than my television!'. And sure enough, it does. The screen is bright and crisp, and you may find yourself picking details out of the image that you might not have noticed the first time around.

Of course, movies are one thing, but the PSP is primarily a game platform. You wouldn't think so, but games benefit from the PSP's hi-def screen moreso than films. Watching something like Wipeout Pure in motion is amazing; not only is the image in razor-sharp hi-definition, it's also widescreen, allowing a larger view of the playfield than ever before. Again, you'd think a 4.3-inch screen wouldn't capable of very much, but it just isn't so. Without a doubt, the PSP's screen is one of the greatest single innovations the handheld gaming world has ever seen.

Powering the PSP is a single 333mhz processor, which may not sound too impressive up front, but visually, the PSP stacks up favorably with it's bigger sibling, the PS2. All the flourishes you've come to expect from the full-size gaming platforms, sharp textures, lens flares, hi-poly models, can be found on a device roughly the size of a scientific calculator. Pick up Ridge Racer, perhaps the most visually impressive title in the PSP's launch lineup, and you won't miss the PS2 iterations one bit. Ditto for the aforementioned Wipeout Pure, which actually manages to overtake the PS2's Wipeout Fusion by a fair mile...and not merely by virtue of it's portability. It's actually a better game...if that doesn't say anything to you about the power of the PSP, nothing will.

The PSP also lends itself to other applications, such as viewing photos, watching videos, and playing music. Though these are definitely secondary uses for the PSP, they are no less good selling points, as the PSP handles them well enough to be a serious consideration for anyone looking for a secondary media display device. In each instance, simply connecting the PSP to your PC with a 5-pin USB cord will let you drag files from your hard drive onto the PSP's Memory Stick. Pictures and music are fairly straightforward, while video is less so, requiring you to convert it to .mp4 format and set up a separate folder on the Memory Stick.

Picture viewing is a breeze. The PSP interface is set up in a horizontal heirarchy displaying each function; you simply navigate left or right to choose the application and then vertically to choose the source. Selecting 'Pictures' and then 'Memory Stick' will let you browse whatever images you have stored on your Memory Stick. Since the PSP uses standard Memory Stick Duo format chips, if you have a digital camera that uses MS Duo sticks, you can simply slap the stick from your digican into the PSP and browse to your heart's content. The PSP allows you to zoom in or out and pan the photos in any direction using the nub.

Music is just as just drag your ATRAC (ech!) or .mp3 (yay!) music files onto the Memory Stick, and then navigate to them the same way you did the photos. One thing the PSP is not, however, is an have to set up folders for each group of tunes you want, though you can assign tracks to song groups and play them back at will. That said, the PSP's music playback functionality is great. The PSP comes with a decent set of earbuds and a remote extension allowing you to control the PSP's music functions without having to dig the unit out of your pocket. More importantly, it sounds great. If you know how to edit .wmu playlists, you can even assign thumbnail images to the tracks which will appear when you play back the tune on your PSP.

Videos are the biggest pain in the arse, mainly because you have to do the most fiddling. Luckily, homebrew PSP programmers have already jumped to action, and there are already a number of freeware apps available online which will let you drag 'n drop video onto your PSP with little or no trouble.

The biggest drawback to all this media fun is the fact that the PSP ships with a measly 32mb Memory Stick. By the time you start messing around with music and video files, you'll be sorely aching for a big 'ole 1GB Memory Stick.

So okay, I'm sure you're wondering whether or not any of the horror stories you've heard about the PSP are true. One of the bigger points of contention that's hounded the PSP is the dreaded 'dead pixels' issue. Reports have circulated widely that a number of PSP units have been plagued by 'dead pixels', pixels which are either permanently light or dark, depending on how they're stuck. My unit does indeed have a handful of these dreaded dead pixels, but seriously...I think you'd have to be a real anal-retentive type for it to be considered truly bothersome. I'm certain that a handful of PSP's have some serious issues, and Sony has agreed to repair or replace these units at no cost. However, seeing the problem first-hand, I can honestly say that it doesn't seem to be that big an issue. In fact, over the last week or so, some of the 'dead pixels' seem to have disappeared, leaving only two barely noticeable spots. The other standout problem with the PSP's screen is that it is a veritable magnet for smudges and fingerprints. Sony thoughtfully includes a microfiber cleaning cloth with the unit, and believe me, you'll get a lot of use out of it. If this really bothers you, be aware that for less than $5 you can buy a number of PSP 'skins' which protect the screen from smudges or (gasp!) scratches.

The second biggest concern about the PSP has been the battery life. So far, in my experience, the power supply is adequate for what the PSP is...a portable gaming system. With average use, you should expect to get between 4-5 hours of use between recharges. I generally use the PSP to while away lunch breaks or spare moments in the evening when I've got nothing better to do, and I have yet to encounter a situation when I've been left with a fully discharged PSP. If you really expect to put some time into the PSP, you will probably want to get into the habit of carrying around the included 5v power supply or invest in a secondary power source (Pelican currently sells a 'power brick' which will recharge your PSP twice on a single charge for a mere $10). Other reports, from UMD's ejecting from the unit when its' twisted, to poorly fabricated 'square' buttons, have really been overblown. I'm sure you can find faults with the system, but overall, it's very well manufactured and should withstand years of use provided you take care of it.

A minor issue of mine lies with the UMD movie lineup. While I'm all for enjoying fan-favorite fare like Hellboy and Kill Bill, I wonder if film studios will truly embrace the format. Will we ever be able to enjoy Citizen Kane or the works of Jean Cocteau on the PSP? I think not. Considering the highly proprietary nature of the UMD format, I can't imagine the studios taking a risk on less bankable material for consideration for UMD release. I suppose those of us who enjoy the occasional foreign or classic film will have to resort to storing flicks on the Memory Stick. Oh well...least common denominator, I suppose...

Film snobbery aside, the PSP is truly a remarkable piece of engineering. When the PSP's specs were first unveiled a mere two years ago, it was widely believed that Sony's handheld system was vaporware in the making, and that the final product couldn't possibly deliver. Amazingly, they have. Nearly every point on Sony's ambitious list is intact. With numerous hardware and software improvements on the way (digital camera attachments, installed web browser and chat clients, PSP MMORPG's), Sony has crafted the first true challenger to the handheld gaming throne...and suddenly it feels like 1995 all over again.

Alex Mayo is a graphic designer of Irish/Filipino descent who grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was raised on comic books, punk rock, and grade-B kung fu movies, which explains his complete and utter inability to deal with real life in a rational manner. He is reasonably well-educated (if Art school counts), reasonably well-read (if graphic novels and the 'Letters to Hustler...' columns count), and reasonably well-fed (if Sliders from White Castle count).

Alex currenty supprorts himself as a freelance graphic designer and as the helmsman in charge of a popular Asian-American Pop Culture webzine.

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